Archive for the ‘ xivio ’ Category

When someone asks…

When someone asks me, “How do I create a virtual world?” I sometimes have a hard time responding. I mean, what am I supposed to say? I always think to myself, ok, I either rattle off a list of technologies I had to teach myself with books, tell them to use some online tool to build a cookie-cutter site, or should I tell them the truth?

The truth is I have Aspergers syndrome. It’s a developmental “disorder” (some just like to call it a “difference”, those that have it that is). It basically means I’m halfway (or less) autistic, with the ability to hide it or “cover it up.” I could go through my life never even knowing I had it. It’s not full blown autism. It’s not Rain-Man.

What’s this got to do with virtual worlds? Well to build one you need to be super focused on one goal in life, which is one thing I do, and have the patience to learn a lot of things step by step. Something aspergers allows me to do, and takes away from other things (like having a real life). Virtual worlds are very complex things, both software, art, and otherwise. I don’t know how a single person could build one. I don’t know how I did. But it took me over 7 years.

Also there’s that whole “art” thing. Which is a totally different part of my brain. Graphic design and programming are not the same. From what I hear you are not supposed to be good at both. I’m told this by people in the industry that are programmers and artists. Maybe that’s why I can only turn one mindset on at a time… Some days I’m a programmer some days I’m an artist. Not really both in the same. When I tell these people that I designed Xivio’s graphics and programming, jaws drop. Programmers assume my code must be crap, and messy (maybe it is? ). Evidently programmers and designers don’t get along in this industry.

So in order to build a virtual world you need to either:

  1. have a lot of money (to hire people to design/build it for you).
  2. or have a lot of talent in a bunch of subjects (and a lot of time).

Having aspergers definitely helps.

Should I end this here? Chloe would find it funny. Yes, let’s. Maybe I’ll continue this entry in the future if others want to know more.